Tuesday 20 September 2016


Introducing Myself is a little bit weird and very difficult.

As my first Post I wanted to let you all know what my plans are for this blog.

I don't want this to just be another blog about cooking and pretentious, I want to go back to basics and start again.

So I'll be exploring 

Themes - such as:
  • Christmas, looking at and trying recipes from the 1800's through to 2016
  • Winter Warmers, like granny used to make!
  • Chinese New Year
  • Slimming Summers
  • Budget Meals
  • Store Cupboard Goodies
  • LeftOvers

I'll also be exploring Products and reviewing them, but I will also appreciate any suggestions from you the reader.

  • to learn the pros and cons of a given product

  • to find out if the product is meant for them

  • to find out if the product is of high quality and easy to use

  • to find out about alternative solutions

  • to find out about other users’ experiences with the product

  • to ultimately learn if the product is worth buying.

“Get more from life with Chef Dave Cooking with Pizzaz.”

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