Saturday 24 September 2016

Halloween - Pumpkin Seeds

Its been a busy few days here at chef dave's, with impromptu visits from the family and getting my cooking head on.  But one thing that has kept me going is mine and the guv'nors "go to" health snack . 

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, 3.5 oz of pumpkin seeds if eaten whole can provide you with about 10mg of zinc if you prefer to shell them (we don't it's to much hard work and besides the taste is sublime) you'll get about 7mg of zinc. 

The seeds are also a good source of vitamin E.

As Halloween is just around the corner I thought I'd share with you my recipe for roasting pumpkin seeds at home and can be kept for 3 months and in an air tight container (try them they won't be around that long)
Most people when making jack o'lanterns discard the seeds don't, follow this easy recipe and have a delicious snack. 
  • Pull the stringy flesh from the seeds and rinse the seeds clean
  • Refines seeds in a bowl of water
  • Spread seeds evenly on to large baking tray
  • Pour good glut olive oil over seeds
  • Add seasoning (I would recommend sea salt, ground fennel seeds and chilli flakes)
  • Mix together to evenly coat seeds
  • Bake at 180/gas mark 4 for 10 minutes 
  • Leave to cool
  • Once cool you can put them in an air tight container 

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